Sopranos Autopsy

Life continues happily for all the major characters (even in illness, Betty displays a peacefulness that is admirable)…and yet, there's something horribly sad in how Coca-Cola co-opted the dream of universal brotherhood and happiness that marked the late sixties/early seventies, just to sell us a product that has no

Great write-up, Teti. I thought you might be a sad replacement for Todd ("Lou Avery" to TVDW's "Don Draper") but happily that is not the case at all.

I almost feel like I'm watching Curb Your Enthusiasm when I watch Mad Men now - Don tries to act with good intentions but the other characters misunderstand his internal logic, and then crap on him. Betty and Peggy and Sally and Joan and Roger and Megan and Megan's mom have lately piled on Don the way that Cheryl and

I hope Chase goes ahead with this because the guy is a frickin' genius! - Examining TV's greatest series.