
This is your obligatory reminder that whatever you think of American prudery when it comes to the sex lives of politicians, Anthony Weiner didn’t go down for a little harmless consensual sexting. The “accidental” tweet that broke the story was an unsolicited dick pic sent to a college student who had tweeted him about

I don’t know what the more f’ed up part is of this f’ed up campaign: that an official for the Trump campaign says with complete lack of self-awareness that people will bow down when Trump wins or that said campaign official is Omarosa

The Instagram @trump4prezident has many lol-worthy gems. According to its creator, it got him miffed enough to have it shut down at one point.

You know, it would be nice if we could get a NSFW warning when you guys start posting pictures of assholes.

Those of us who have put the glasses on see Trump as he really is:

A lot of people on Jezebel love to criticize me for not being an avid Hillary supporter. I will vote for her because she isn't Trump, that doesn't mean she was my first choice. But the reason I don't trust her is that she always seemed willing to let other women's lives be destroyed by her husband so she could advance

First it was “Well, he’s in a highly contested primary... so he’s just competing and doesn’t mean all the stupid shit he says”.

Seriously this shit isn’t some “off the cuff” remark, his supporters are sick fucks and take the dumb shit he says pretty seriously. God... I am so angry I am shaking.

Every time he says something egregiously hateful (which is all the time), I feel weirdly vindicated. People have been saying crazy shit around me my whole life and when I tell the story, no one can ever believe a person like this exists. He is the living personification of every asshole we actually encountered that no

Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a

Ok, no. Repeating the word like every two words and pronouncing every word with an upward inflection is obnoxious regardless of gender. Kinda reaching with that.

I mean, as far as orators go she is worse than a lot of them. How do you point out she isn’t inspiring/particularly good at speaking without sounding sexist? Do you compare her to other women to illustrate that no, this isn’t a woman problem, but a Hillary problem? Michelle Obama way better at sounding

But “perfectly fine” shouldn’t be how we judge someone who’s been planning this campaign for the last decade. I don’t know why we can’t address the fact that she isn’t a great public speaker. Michelle Obama is able to sound strong, sincere, and energetic in a way that I did not get from HIllary. When Nina Turner

True story - Trump’s voice woke my baby from a dead sleep and made him cry. He has yet to have a similar reaction to ANY voice.

Democracy allows me to vote with my values in mind...but the libtards are bullying me so I’m voting for Trump cause fuck them let it all burn. TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!

That right there. Thats why they wont and I wont. I will not be pushed around and told to vote against a canidate. No. I vote for someone I support. Its my vote, not yours. You dont get to tell me to vote for her or else. Thats a republican tactic.

Yesterday I watched Killer Mike stand on stage and lead a crowd at the Panorama festival in a “Fuck Trump” cheer. He was clearly angry that Bernie Sanders had lost, as he was one of his biggest supporters and had really worked on advocacy on Sanders behalf. And since he’s a damn smart guy, he also finished off by