Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

Paul Feig’s movie trailers are always terrible. But then the movie is hilarious (Spy and Bridesmaids).

Ah well. I try to keep it in perspective. Jez is not a "members only" club (although there are preferred members - not me:). It's a big site and people come and go. Gawker/Jez, itself, has changed radically in just a few years. It does seem to thrive on getting the outrage flowing, so when it does, I just leave the

I'm an atheist, so sure ;-)

Maybe me (and a lot of folks) on a Sunday, but I'm not getting why you are being taken to task or why I am either. Commenters seem a bit twitchy today. Think I'll just lay low.

Very true. Until recently, actually, I only had problems falling asleep. Now chronic pain wakes me up in the middle of the night. Whomp.

Someone in the Dirt Bag comments yesterday was whining about how terrible Amy Schumer is because the asshole fan she called out was now going to get rape and death threats. My first thought was, “You are ridiculously naive if you think HE’S the one who is going to be inundated with hate and harassment over this.”

I believe the theory that Snow is the child of Rhaegar Targaryan and Lyanna Stark, so maybe the true heir to the throne (even though he’s a bastard). If he’s truly a Targaryan, the dragons will possibly flock to Snow to help defeat the white walkers.

I like the way you think. Sadly I hit Target yesterday and they’re not up to Michelle’s trendsetting ways. I say get on it, Target!

Do you ever get the weird dreams though? I cannot take melatonin because of the dreams.

Yessssss! I hope it works for you. It's wonderful because instead of hitting you with a chemical sledgehammer like Ambien&friends, you just feel sleepy, like you would if you stayed up late... And then you go to sleep. And it's awesome.

I try not to judge other fandoms because I'm a fan of a lot of weird things myself.

He’s only 22? It feels like he’s been in our lives for decades. Jesus.

I definitely agree that people go too far. I might be dating myself here, but I knew someone who ran into Val Kilmer in the parking garage of his lawyer’s office as he was going through a divorce. She asked him for his autograph and he wasn’t terribly rude but was a bit brusque and brushed her off without giving her

I think their clothes are adorable and I would be personally offended if I saw a photo of, like, George wearing a Ninja Turtles tshirt and Charlotte in leopard print baby leggings. (I mean, I'm sure they get to wear such things at home, in private. I hope.)

Plus...waiting for Matthew Perry....eeew.

Gary Fisher is the fucking BEST.

A few weeks ago, I read an article by a woman who was a big fan of Matthew Perry. She went to see his play and waited by the stage door to met him. This took hours. When she finally saw him, he rushed past and said he wasn’t signing autographs. She was so disappointed and upset with him. I can understand her feelings

Carrie Fisher’s dog Gary got to go to the White House Correspondants’ Dinner”

Even blurred, this picture of Usher’s dick makes me sadder.