Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

What's the 19th Century term for the frustration of being unable to correct a dumb typo after and unreasonably small window on Kinja?

Pre-Raphaelites, man.

I always look like someone who ate toast in bed and just brushed out the crumbs before her boyfriend came back.

Same, but there are more doves.

Ugh do not even get me started on Hysteria. I am a fucking ART historian and already I have TOO MANY opinions how how fucking BULLSHIT that shit was.

“Brought to you by the same people who brought you Hysteria. Sign up now for a special two for one offer. Ladies, you can stay in bed for six to eight weeks. Wink wink”

Wait’ll you’re older and it’ll make more sense...

I’ve got one of their ultra-mattes and ehhhhh naaaaaah. The newer satin-finish ones, however, are GREAT.

According to rumors this is the answer

Shamefully raises hand - sooooo tired during the week that Transparent, Season 2 came out...

yes i did :)

Haha :) The last time I did a Buffy marathon; I did it through Netflix. I actually quite like it because it showed all the “previously on Buffy” that I’ve never seen...

It was like, literally sitting on my bookshelf across the room and I was like “...................nahhhh”

I need to express concern for your water intake. If you’re going through multiple discs worth of shows without needing to get up anyway to pee...that may be a problem. :p

I still have favourite episodes in s 6 & 7.

I’m a lazy fuck and have them all on a (well-worn) DVD set as well but I just don’t want to go get them and have to change disks heeehehe

I caught up on “Supernatural” by watching it on Netflix. :D

I thought I was the only one in the world who thought that move seemed more like a cry for help than a groundbreaking artistic masterpiece.

just became one

Oh, come on woman.... I’m not that old!