Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

I’m most intrigued by that XOJane letter. From what I gather, this person worked as a strategist for Trump because she didn’t expect him to win and thought of him as a “protest candidate” who would presumably steer the Republican party in an even more racist direction. And then he becomes the presumptive nominee and

Clear off the table? What does that even mean?!

I am currently watching a thread on my fb, my friend posted about how the world is watching Trump and what they think about that

So he is not real Republican anymore....ohhhh wait what?? He still hates women.

Wasn’t she only implying it? I want to believe this whole thing is a bad dream. Not Susan.

It’s easier to want things to explode when the explosion don’t affect your life - I don’t think Sarandon will be struggling to get an abortion or getting deported. She was big on Nader’s campaign too but I am guessing all the shit that happened during the Bush years was worth it?

It’s that attitude that brought us 8 years of GWB, more right wing supreme court justices, two disastrous wars, and diminished reproductive rights for women. I don’t even want to be around to find out what Trump would bring. Susan Sarandon - I love Bernie too but you need to get it together woman.

YES. My crush of nearly 4 decades has died today. I loved you, Susan, but this is some bullshit.

She looked super cute, but that cake though.

Or we could throw them both in the Thunderdome.


Lucas Neff I don’t know who you are but you are 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000x right.

And now I really want a piece of Lady Gaga’s cake. That looks amazing.

@Erykah Badoula: Why Not both?

Maybe. I don’t carry tampons unless its that time of the month. I also don’t carry around spare sewing kits, screwdrivers, duct tape, etc. Does he also have those things in his fanny pack? or just vaginal assistance paraphernalia?

On one hand, why would I ever ask a man for a tampon in the first place? And on the other, that’s cool, let him pay for them (and the accompanying merchandise tax). I guess?

I’ve found men with at least a few sisters know that women sometimes need tampons and that they won’t turn into women for coming into contact with one.

I’m going to be totally honest. When I read this, all I could think was this dude was thinking way too much about what was happening in strangers vaginas. I mean, thanks for helping a fellow human out, but that is some pre-planning that I can not wrap my mind around.

Some of us can smell when the gents are sweaty, horny, or otherwise, you know, being male. If you feel the need to have awkward work conversations because you can detect a woman is, gasp, menstruating, that's your issue. Not ours.

Keep it to yourself. I already panic that people will know I have my period. I get horrific cramps and an epic flow. It’s hard to pretend to be normal when that’s happening.