Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

there needs to be a nuclear waste pile in the middle ocean

called, skeezehole island
guess who else goes there?

read one translation
where “blessed be the fruit” is actually a deification of homosexuals


jinx, see above....

quit trying to make “bolt-action” a thing....

had no idea so many dinosaurs were gay!

shutting planned parenthood is not courageous or principled.
rabid assholes need to just go away. STAY THE FUCK OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE’S CHOICES.

people throughout history always fuck too much. contraception is not the work of the devil. duh

lol that too

was talking your *kinja avatarial*.

You are correct - i may have mis-clicked or jumbled answers.

like that you seem to be good at balancing & compromise.

i would imagine boston might be quite a challenge after the bay area. being a fellow “california refugee” (due to prices like many others), i *totally get it* though.

fascinating -
(makes total sense as well)

hey jinni -
sidenote, did you recently go to jupiter?

“zero-tolerance policy is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart”

3, 2, 1....

until some right wing nutjob calls *laura bush*
a damn liberal soft-on-crime communist

it’s time to take it up a notch

to one up their “fake news” bullshit
we ALL need to respond with:



bike-riding pinko
is taken as the highest of compliments!

(honorary portlandia citizenship)

even for those who don’t believe in xmas?

all people with a brain need to start calling out *ALL* of the pathologically lying skeezeholes.

each and every time they lie.

even broken ventriloquist clocks are *right twice a day*

(((( insert evil marketing genius cackle here ))))

think i read that her contraband wine decanters
are *starting their own IG page*.

those are the “limited edition” contraband.

literally and figuratively yes.

but they have chosen to go the soul-less, consience-less monster route.

which some would say are the benchmarks of a truly human existence.