
"So this is something you should explore with other people. Get yourself a diaper pal, play to your heart’s content, and then come home and have awesome vanilla sex with me.”
I will never understand why Dan thinks this is a solution for essentially everyone.

I think that first one could easily be my best friend. I keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep telling him not to marry her. she shouldn't even be his 'fiancee' if this is still an issue.

I've met so many gender trenders lately, it's making me dizzy.

"most gay male couples, married or not, aren’t monogamous"

Dr Stephen King!

and considering one of them is a neighbour, it sounds pretty convenient!

"a white horse". because they're not excessively common, but not terribly rare, beautiful and majestic.





i can't wait to marry this man.

i can't wait to marry this man.