
And in Zoo Tycoon with the dinosaur add-on.

I also thought of that. Alison Brie is the woman for non-judgemental abortion storylines right now.

Overall I agree with you, but I think one Linda flashback scene would have been okay to give the character some depth.

I had the same impression. The scene seemed to be her "Shit, this is home" moment.

And then Felix was like "I looked for you all over the city". He should have checked in San Francisco or Nairobi.

She is amazing, I hope she gets lots of roles in the future.

Well maybe this comment section isn't the right place for you. A.V. clubbers are usually not being disrespectful.

And you asked me for my opinion, so I stated it.

The series finale should end with Bojack saying "I've made a huge mistake". I don't think that the two shows have a lot in common though (except for the hilarious puns), and I love them both for their individual merits. Why do we need superlatives anyway? Everything has to be "the best" or "the worst" these days,

Yeah, when did Underwood try to be a better person?

That's just, like, your opinion, man.

It's taking far too long for that show to come back, but at least we got to admire Jamie's voice acting skills here.

The donkeys were my favorite part of this episode, I wonder why the reviewer didn't even mention them.

A still of that would be perfect to show to people who still believe that this show is simply a shallow cartoon.

Congrats on finishing the season. I'm glad you shared that with us.

As Carrie from Sex and the City would say, I'm Carrie.

Emily reminds me of a grown-up "Sabrina" if she hadn't become the trainwreck Sarah Lynn.

El saw them shoot Benny, so she did have a reason to believe that they were going to kill her as well.

You are probably right about most of this, but I decided not to overthink the details in that regard, which might be an odd thing to say because at the same time I tried to catch all the references hidden in those details. With a show like this one, I think it's better to just go with it instead of analyzing its

It took them two months to renew Sense8, I hope we won't have to wait that long.