
I started with S2 and loved both it and S3 as much as I've loved any show. Still haven't gone back to watch S1, didn't really need it to understand what was going on or appreciate the level of accomplishment. Especially S3. Holy cow was it amazing!

The Church of England forbade re-marriage in the Church of a divorced person whose spouse was still alive until 2002. Even then, remarriage is only allowed if certain criteria are met. One of them is that the couple's relationship must not have been a contributing factor in the divorce. Although Elizabeth said Peter

The thing is, Gretchen saying that in the first place just reeked of plot monkeys it was so out of character.

This show lacks any suspense. Macleish? In on it. Kimber? In on it. Oily Chief of Staff? Totally in on it. Mrs. Kirkman? In on it. Kirkmans's son? In on it. Hannah Wells? About to be in on it. Nassar, the guy who got blamed for being on it? Only person besides Kirkman not in on it.

I could have done without the shot of Whitney's diary entry. So as a child she fills notebooks with dense data and schematics but as an adult she writes "Zero Matter Experiment" diagonally across a whole page in giant loopy script? It lacked only a couple of hearts and exclamation points.

The stupid thing is you still have VPLs, they're just in a different place.

OK, good tip!

I literally had no idea Beck Bennett and John Milhiser were different people until I read this.