
I’m sure it’s because I’m a barren millennial spinster with no prospects but I’m also sure it’s because I watched my mother and aunts struggle in their relationships with men that I am convinced that marriages with men are a true dice roll in life.

Ok, first of all, fuck no, it matter a whole damn much. A shitty tasting bun will ruin a burger. The kind isn’t important maybe, but how it taste really fucking is.

Oh and second, bagel and baguette burgers are both pretty damn good. You just gotta build them differently.

This is the wrong take, because a bad bun can totally ruin your burger experience. Indeed, the bun, whatever you use, is an integral piece of the burger experience.

You need to give the bun some consideration, a lot of the cheap ones fall apart and go soggy on you, leaving you covered in ketchup and mayo. You need a certain level of toughness in your bun. And it should have a flavor of its own so it isn’t just sawdusty edible napkin.

So a question regarding that video to people more in the know, I’ve always been under the impression that you need to use your hands to snort coke instead of holding them up in the air away from the surface. And also that your nose should be at an angle which allows snorting it.

damn, you just got scolded by a Chia Pet.

Wow, it’s really really hard not to laugh at this. Soylent Green, you evil sonofabitch. Are you even people?

I’m trying to wrap my head around the sight of Prince and Sinead O’Connor involved in a foot chase through L.A. in the middle of the night and NOT have “Yakety Sax” play in my head when I do.

She’s not being “blunt” she’s being an asshole. She has been warned, coddled, and educated (Pascal, whose sister just came out as trans, taught her about pronouns before she started shit on twitter) for at least a year that her behavior wasn’t okay, and if she kept going that she risked getting fired. She kept playing

You poor little simp, she’s never going to fuck you.

How are you not in the greys?

Those circles over at Breitbart aren't gonna jerk themselves. 

It’s a pointless position regardless. We’ve seen from countless similar incidents that people can piss and moan all they want; the law is not on their side and no one has ever whined their way into getting their job back. However you feel about James Gunn, he laid out the blueprint for how to handle this sort of thing

Have to give her credit. She was likely going to be a lead on Rangers show and she said “nope, those millions in Star Wars bucks once include toys and the like are not as important as my need to spread my fear and hate on social media.” That is truly putting money where your mouth is.

And in this case, we actually know that Pedro Pascal made a truly heroic effort to get her to stop it. Which makes a horrifying amount of sense now that we know his sister is transgender; I can’t imagine what it was like having to work with her and not be able to say anything about that because his sister wasn’t ready

When your bigotry makes you so dumb that you either a) don’t have the people around you telling you to stop or b) you don’t listen to the people around you telling you to stop

Joe had to stop being Joe to appreciate his life because he only wanted his life back so he could return to not living it. The transformative nature of him being put into a cat doesn’t remove his blackness because the center of the movie is still a black man’s voice and a black face onscreen almost 100% of the film.

It was explained in the movie (quickly) that the spark isn’t a thing, it’s a passion for living. 22 was afraid of living, so she(?) never got her spark until she experienced life in Joe’s body.

“What was 22's spark anyway? For me, I was also discouraged by the way it seemed like they were setting up 22 as having a passion for teaching and being a teacher...”

After 22 threatens to toss Joe out of the barbershop at the barber’s insistence that the “cat” behaves, she ends up having the kind of deeply meaningful conversation with the man that Joe never could due to his feeling uncomfortable expressing himself.