Sophia Ross W. Parsons

I think there’s a better name for them than Chair Droids. They are literally... Pilot Seats.

“Bad” is a synonym for “hot”

Yeah I find games that do this actually make me less interested as it comes across as “We put in an almost naked hot chick give us money”.

I’m upset by this game.

They’re just on the wrong side of... progression and history, so they’re offended, that’s all. 


Don’t be a cunt, Steve.

So you’re a bigoted, racist, fascist barely educated motherfucker? Why don’t you just lead with that.


I don’t speak the language fluently, but met me try a rough translation:

“The main character is a woman and/or a minority sometimes” isn’t the politically charged woke agenda that you think it is.

Anyone complaining about the movies of comic book characters being “woke” likely missed the original message of the characters. X-Men being one of the most famous examples. They existed as a social commentary on bigotry and politics from day one.

How are Disney films “political”? Do they preach about socialized healthcare? Federal minimum wage? What exactly?

A) Most parents aren’t terminally online dorks or regular Fox News watchers, and thus don’t care about “wokeness”

Thank you for speaking truth to po- HAHA sorry couldn’t keep a straight face.  You sound like a fucking dumb fuck.

If parents don’t want their kids seeing politically charged woke content, parents aren’t going to subscribe to Disney+ or take their families to Disney movies.

If having women, people of diverse gender identities/ sexual preferences, and ethnic / racial /religious minorities in film and TV is “political” or NOT “family friendly”, the problem isn’t Disney. It’s you.

Are you kidding me? What you mean to say is that popular media no longer contains politics that you like.

All media is political, it’s ridiculous to act otherwise.

Not sure I agree with your Newsmax police work given the biggest box office hit of 2023 (to shake your snowflake brain, this is a transgender Barbie):

Honestly if the next F&F was just an adaptation of this with the same suits but like Vin Diesel and Ludacris it would still work perfectly and not miss a beat.