
I’m a libran woman. I think libran men are the worst. Man babies at best. At worst... well

Wait just a minute... what’s with all the hate for Librans here? Why would anyone hate the hippie peacemaker of the zodiac?

OMG fellow Libra. I DO need to get everyone’s side of the story. Makes it hell to make up my mind though. 

I’m likely on the other side of the world. But I’d love your soup recipe and wish you well. 

This made me laugh so much. Thank you. 

She will die of Covid. Another mysterious suicide is simply too suspicious.

Megan, I feel your pain. It took me years and years. But I found a good bra for my big, saggy girls. Be warned. It costs two arms and two legs.

I’m also a long time Will Ferrell Hater. My brother and I find him just so unwatchably ugly. So I was avoiding this movie until I had Absolutely nothing left to watch.

That can be said about pretty much everyone in entertainment. And I tend to agree. Plus, she has daddy issues. 

Hey. Padma is gorgeous and is a model. But she’s not a Bimbo. She’s a 50 year old woman with a career in food and started off said career as a journalist and  food writer.

I agree. The series was intentionally very gentle. Like the Great British Bake Off. I binge watched it and found it very soothing. 

no real attempt to reckon with what that means or why we should be considering other options.”

And then some earth shattering sex after.

I don’t get this. Normal rice cooks in less than 20 minutes on the stove.

My god! Can we talk about Landmark. 

I don’t get it. People getting tossed out on their asses. Their lives upended because they can’t pay 2 months rent and this guy getting away with not paying 10s of millions of dollars. 

Plus RG was cool, pretty and popular. While Lea Michele never was.

My god! Are you sure there weren’t cameras in the shower or something?

I’m so sorry. My mother has a masters in child psychology and therapy is bad word to her. I’m 33 and she constantly comments on every single thing about my body. Like every single thing. Hair, eyebrows, makeup, skin, dry knees, to wear makeup, etc. Every single time she sees me and daily on the phone. I know she means

My family, I’m sure were exaggerating a little perhaps from the pain of losing a loved one to Covid-19.