
My husband has horrible panda eyes but great skin that he takes for granted. I wish I had made him wear some concealer and powder for the wedding. 

Holy shit. Yours was the scariest, by far. I mean WTF!!!! Tell us more in the comments? Also, glad you’re OK. I’m Hindu but not particularly religious but I too believe in messages from strangers because of one particularly fucked up incident that happened to me.

Sorry for the late reply but that’s my feeling as well. Why go in such a different direction as to dilute the original magic of Charmed instead of creating a new series altogether? I would watch the shit out of a show called “Brujas”.

My god yes! I was struggling to make out the dialogue throughout! 

Sure doesn’t help when he person who plays her, Theresa Palmer is extremely conventionally hot.

Why was the thriftstore story hard to believe? It was the one I liked the most. The creepy lady at the door story is freaking me out as I’m alone at home right now. 

I’m so sorry to hear about your situation sis. Hope you can get help soon. Can your parents help or one of your alma maters?

I’m a fan. I enjoy her videos. Her pan chicken recipe uses yoghurt, mint,’cumin, coriander, tumeric and fennel yet she, the whitest of white girls doesn’t even deign to acknowledge the south Asian influence?

I think part of gross men mooning over Tulsi stems from the fact that she is gorgeous. And you cannot discount how much these men value beauty. 

Their retinue must number at least a dozen.

Let’s hope it’s the latter. 

My god! I’m so sorry. Hope you’re in a good place now.

I INHALED both seasons last weekend. So good. 

Those books were WEIRD and I think maybe the first time I ever masturbated to anything.

THIS is your view every day????

I’m Indian so everything about virginity x 10. 

Phew! When you said gaping chasm I was afraid that we were going to see a picture of Miley’s vagina.

I mean it’s almost unfair at this point. She’s don’t so much hard drugs, alcohol, partying and been rode hard and put away wet and she still looks this great? So toned and cute. 

Exactly. It’s not like they can’t afford it.

Is it me or does it sound like Beyoncé is being a bit of a dick?