
I mean I see your point but everything is problematic when analysed to death. Throwing the baby out with the bath water is why we can’t have nice things. I enjoy most of the content that isn’t about teen rappers and the Kardashians. I also enjoy the most of the commentariat, they are erudite and funny as hell and a

Friend is definitely kinder. Just seeing a murdered woman dismissively referred to as a celebrity’s ex in the headlines really rubbed me the wrong way.

I read the headlines and the article as I expect almost everyone does. Try asking them to name the victim after half an hour. I bet most people, including myself,  can’t recall that it’s Ashley Ellerin.

Look, I get that (although serial killers are having a moment right now and I won’t be surprised if Netflix is already working on a series) but for a site that loudly proclaims it’s feminist and jumps down other people’s throats for missteps it should be more conscious of these things.

Jesus.Fucking.Christ. This woman was stabbed 47 times and you still managed to do her a further disservice and erasing her by merely referring to her Ashton Kutcher’s ex.

“Let’s look at it from another angle,” which hardly ever resolves anything.

Thank you! It was a long time comin’ My dear Dad likes to exclaim to everyone that his daughter is “Finally getting married!”

Do we really think that there’s two Melanias? The petty side of me wants this so badly but my rational side reminds me that some photos of myself make me want to die while others aren’t too bad... so it could just be angles/lighting/makeup/surgery. Need to weigh the likelihood of each possibility.

As yet another fellow Libran, I see what you did there ;)


I don’t know whether you want to be single by choice but I was. For a long fucking time. And definitely not by choice. Some days I was just so lonely, I thought I would die from the loneliness. And now I’m getting married next month to a really nice guy who loves me like crazy. It wasn’t easy, and it’s not remotely

That would be devastating for females athletes.

I did read a guardian article breaking this whole this down and they did mention that Semenya is indeed intersexed which sort of muddies the whole situation for me. 

BOOM! Drop the mic!

Isn’t the head of the second sons Dany’s lover? Won’t he turn on Cersei?

Maybe they needed Pod for another song. Or all the prostitutes gave Pod a super STD that makes him invincible. 

I think Jorah is so fucking hot. Uff. 

I feel sad for my man Tyrion. Like suddenly he’s some dumb loser who sucks? He’s the new Sansa?

Yes. He always looks like he’s trying to squeeze out a dry, massive dump.

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not but I was ready to jump in here and say there was absolutely no excuse to change a dirty diaper but I got to thinking how many bathrooms actually have changing tables or even a wide enough sink counter and shut my mouth. I’m at the age where all my friends are starting to