
She will be 71 if she takes office. Although I think she would serve one term with no issues.

I think you’re erasing Senator Harris’s Indian heritage be referring to her as a ball woman. I mean her name is KAMALA for God’s sake!

That is odd. She’s been our token Indian for years.

Strange. Mindy Kaling has never hosted?

That seals it. Chris Evans is the reigning Best Chris.

I’m sorry. I agree with you too. Not about the men but definitely regarding calling women names. Nothing insightful or intelligent about name calling. I almost never do so IRL. I just thought Kunt was much less severe (and maybe a little humourous) than the correct spelling.

We will not be defined by social media”

Don’t beat yourself up too much, it’s not just White men. Men of all creed are terrible. It’s just that White are a little more untouchable in the US. 

Women have enabled men to be entitled pricks from time immemorial. Patriarchy: takes two to play. However I feel as a WOC myself feel that WOC mothers tend to be worse about this.

Aahhhh! This just happened to me with my brother and I’m SEETHING. I’m 32 and he’s 29 and we still live with my family because that’s the custom in my culture and county until you’re married.

Oh my.

I think they just look sick. 

It’s all the surgery and the makeup. At 21, most girls still have a bit of baby fat to soften their features. She looks so much older than Gigi.

That Croydon facelift is making her look 25.

My god. James Spader was a BABE!

Wow. What an incisive mind. I wish I had your sense of entitlement and obliviousness but I was born a woman so unfortunately I was conditioned to be thoughtful and considerate.

I feel your pain. My boobs came in saggy. My mother has moderate but very saggy boobs. My grandmother and aunts have large but bouncy boobs. Guess which set I inherited?

Yeah, triangles are much more common than true hourglasses. I always thought I was an hourglass because I have giant tatas and a defined waist. But I think my shoulders are definitely wider than my hips so I’m leaning towards an inverted triangle. Bummer.

You were neither bad or dumb. It’s akin to those cross-posted articles from The Root. I’m POC but not African American and I don’t want to intrude into their space but I feel either nosy or I want to learn so I click but then I just sit down and pipe down.

Go on with your bad self! I have a short torso so my cleavage starts like right under my neck so most clothes are cleavage clothes, whether I mean to or not 🤷🏽‍♀️