
I *died* during the scene where they were showing her the weapons they taileored for her.

Because we are gross.

Of course. You have two eyes and a vagina.

Speaking of excluding minorities...

That was my only takeaway from his comment as well. 

You are SO RIGHT. I didn’t even think of it. Just because she didn’t die doesn’t exculpate him brim being a murderer.

Aww thanks. You’re right, I am Singaporean. It just chafes away at me because CRA is getting so much international recognition and accolades and many Americans already think that Singapore is part of China. I just wish it represented us more accurately. Based on the film’s success I’m sure they’re doing a sequel. I

MMM won for one reason: the lead is luminous. Rachel Brosnahan IS A STAR.

No, you may not because I love rom coms and I have to restrain myself from seeing CRA because it blatantly excludes our local minorities.

The last thing I saw Lively in was the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. I think she’s a fine, inoffensive actress. Just doesn’t have the charisma and presence for a lead or a meatier role. 

Poor Maisie Williams had to suffer through seasons 4 and 5 and went from fan favourite to their kill list.

Is Emilia Clarke a bad actress or is she just short?

*This* is the hill you want to die on?

I guess that’s makes it alright then.

Woody Allen had naked photos of Soon Yi when she was underage.

I didn’t want to think of it really. It’s scary easy to love a child. We’re fostering my niece all but in name and she’s not related to us biologically, she’s bi-racial and of a different religion and always blathering on about Halal and Allah (we’re just bitter because her “religious” negligent mother is so

I mean my modern, educated Indian parents love me and my brother both equally (me, more even) but treat us vastly differently.

Yes. “Intelligence” is the reason ugly old men make passes at young, nubile girls.

^ I meant biological instead of “natural born”. I’m in the middle of a binge re-watch of GoT :p

This article led me down the rabbit hole to google Mia’s family life. She had 14 children! 4 biological. 10 adopted! 3 seemed to have died from depression/addiction. I had no idea. Why would the courts allow a single woman to adopt so many children is mind boggling. But adopting 10 children, some older, some with