
I like them both (Kheng Hua Tan was so painful to read) but miss me with this racist piece of garbage. Kevin Kwan can fuck right off with his representation bullshit. And the local actors’ comments were so ignorant and tone deaf.

Wait, what did you say about Buffy!?

See also: Bodhi.

I feel like her first mistake was naming her daughter India. With a name like that she's either destined to be in a cult or running an artisanal kombucha brewery with her ethically non-monogamous partner. 

Same here. I already have little inhibition. The poor boy is in for a (not literal) shit show. Also, now I want ham.

My SIL is such a pretty girl but drawn on eyebrows coupled with her bottle blonde hair makes her look so cheap!

I'm 32 and while I've never done much damage to my brows I find that they are getting lighter and sparser with age.

Good eyebrow embroidery will change your life!

Man, you beat me to it.

You mean Feline van Gerner.

Seriously? FUPAs aren't reviled in India?

But tell us, does the carpet match the drapes?

Only if Elongated Muskrat goes with them.

Eva was HUGE right before delivery. She’s normally so petite so I thought she looked adorable. I remember JLo had a bad case of pregnancy nose that didn't quite go away after the baby...

I believe it. I finally managed to make my way down to Portland a few months ago and I loved it. I always had an inkling that Portland would be my soul city and I was right. What does that say about me ;)


That was my first thought too. Unfortunately I live amongst a more pragmatic people. 

I’ll see you there. Just ordered the bimatoprost at alldaychemist. Very excited to have snuffleluffagus lashes in 8 weeks!

I’ve been lurking around Jezebel ever since our old haunt shuttered. Seems to be a lot of us found asylum here. What is the blog name again?

I don’t know why these never get any love but Bourjois Rouge Velvets are amazing! Super lightweight and long lasting. 

I don’t know why these never get any love but Bourjois Rouge Velvets are amazing! Super lightweight and long