
My parents were first generation immigrants. They lived paycheck to paycheck for the first 10 years of my life. We had six people in a two bedroom apartment. My parents in one room, my grandmother in another. The “bedroom” for us three kids were sleeping bags in the living space between the couch and the TV. We

Cadillac had A LOT of firsts. Makes me sad to think of how far they've fallen.

If you have a problem with the tax code that’s one thing... they are not breaking it... they are following it.

He was not but he also pays his employees wages not equivalent with the output and share value they produce for him. You can be a vampire even if you started out in a hut instead of a castle.

CTEC just kicked in, yo!

“Which socialist country has an immigration problem?” Pretty much all of them. Oh, I expect you’ll try to weasel around the definition of “socialist” as much as possible. Tell us, is Great Britain socialist? There’s that pesky National Health Service, after all, and restrictions on owning firearms. And yet, people are

You know dozens of hundred-plus millionaires? That’s incredible. Literally, hard to believe. But I can be convinced. What is it you do exactly to bring you into such close proximity to such vast wealth?

OK, for 1 almost all of those people became wealthy through either borrowing/stealing other peoples ideas, using the wheels of government to control the markets to their benefit, or were in the right place/right time for their given markets. Hindsight is 20/20 but all of them could have just as easily been forgotten.

...but it’s not like the company paid him $80 billion in actual cash. If that kind of cash flow were available to the company we could all be justifiably horrified as that could have been spent on salaries and benefits for everyone who works for Tesla.

It’s your idiotic socialist agenda... it’s you own self hatred of people that do better than you do and thinking that you should be entitled to their wealth.

And ask Enron employees how they liked all of their bonuses and retirement in Enron stock...

In a consumer driven economy that capitalism needs in order to survive, calling the concentration of wealth into a percent of a percent of the population as suboptimal is an understatement.

It’s your idiotic socialist agenda... it’s you own self hatred of people that do better than you do and thinking that you should be entitled to their wealth.

We shouldn’t seek out or celebrate inequality. But knocking down the people at the top

It is indeed good for him. It’s not like he wrote the rules for capitalism/corporate socialism, after all.

I always think it’s weird when people use socialist as an insult...

what is your definition of socialist, and why are you using it as an insult

You can be a very successful businessman and also a shitty person that people dislike. In fact they often go hand in hand.

no, applauding this insane concentration of wealth and income disparity just because you like what rich guy does is bootlicking. 

licking the boots of a billionaire won’t make you rich.