If Semis can have 12spd manuals, why cant my wrangler!
If Semis can have 12spd manuals, why cant my wrangler!
Needs an 8spd manual
Why does the Ikeya just look like a Chinese copy of the Toyota GT-One, the front and back.
Dear Jason:
a Robutt you say
Watch this superheated knife ruin the day for 1,000,000 racing fans.
Will be there, Will win award for “Most normal car at show” don’t care, I get to hang out with some car guys for a good cause.
When I was researching to buy my Civic I had an issue like this. The dealership in Freehold, NJ kept calling me. When I finally answered and explained what I wanted they stopped trying to contact me. I figured it was because it would be work for them to try and find a manual Civic Hatchback.
“Budget Movers”
Well theres your problem
Looks like a modern interpretation of the 1800E
Or is it just me?
Me and the girlfriend will be coming, bringing my unremarkable 2017 Civic Hatch, but hanging out with a bunch of car guys for a good cause is something I am more than willing to get behind!
Green on Green on Green suits this car well
I had a 2009 Fit, it was excellent. But I never found myself lusting over the 3rd gen as much. I want to know, how much better is it than the 2nd gen?
Honestly people are overreacting. Yeah we were mislead and it sucks. but its so easy to make money in the game that once they’re gone it sucks, but your already swimming in millions of credits to the point where the double bonus doesn’t make a dent.
Also, they’re good for 25 races you can use them to make a metric ton…
My hatchback sport has these two tone wheel. Except the silver isn’t pronounced as much. The result is the wheels ALWAYS look dirty. Because the black shows all the brake dust and the silver isn’t as bright as it should be.
Wait, hold on, stop the threads
The Panoz Esperante is still raced?
It could have been an earlier concept for the ill faded Howler that almost happened
I’m not crying, you’re crying!
Wonderful story.
My endgame is owning an imported Beat. They have to be a blast to drive.
Because the interior needs to look louder than it is