>America’s Most Car-Hating City
>London or Paris
Do we need to look at a map?
>America’s Most Car-Hating City
>London or Paris
Do we need to look at a map?
It’s most likely a NSX roadster
No mention about how expensive Harley’s are?
This is completely wrong
Why is Florida rated so highly?
At what point do people just say “Fuck it, ill walk to work”
But...Steel is heavier than feathers
This is why I no longer have a desire to work in NYC. Its excellent experience for work yeah, but its a horrible experience on the subway and subsequent transport.
I have me a Honda Civic Hatchback with the 6spd and its plenty fun while being about the same size as the Mazda 3, its under 30k I would highly recommend.
Personally I find the GLC to be so ugly its personally offensive. The X6 has gotten better but still isn’t a looker.
The crosstour on the other hand? its pure artwork.
I just got a regular Hatchback sport. since you mentioned in this thread.
How would you go about making the fog lights yellow? I want to do the same, but it would seem to change the bulbs you nearly have to take the front end of the car apart and I don’t really want that.
Why not?
June 6th is also Wipeout: Omega Collection
Almost reminds me of a 4dr Brera when its lowered like this
Either I missed something or i’m dumb.
The video explained how the tune worked, however it did not show or explain how to apply the tune. Did I miss something there?
Ohhh, so its a Rotary!!