
I’d argue that a mayor in a strong-mayor system like South Bend’s has as much relevant experience as a senator, many of whom never manage more than a small team of people over their careers. It may be a useful step, but it’s hardly a *necessary* one.

He can’t be a senator. Joe Donnelly got stomped in Indiana in a blue wave election year on the platform of “I love guns and hate sanctuary cities”, and the main criticism of him at the ballot box was “he’s too liberal”.

as a resident of south bend i think he’s done a great job of modernizing the city by attracting tech industries and revitalizing downtown. south bend is so much different than it was 10 years ago, and the trajectory is pointing up. i find it interesting that so many people, many of whom probably have never even

I really like him and hope that he can use this to get some momentum for a House or Senate run (at the very least, he’d be an improvement on Evan Bayh or Joe Donnelly.)

  • BA, Philosophy/Politics/Economics, Oxford University