
“Meanwhile, areas of wholesale gentrification like Greenpoint, Williamsburg, Washington Heights, Bushwick, Bed-Stuy etc. etc. have the same or worse service.”

I hope I’m not in the minority when I say this:

Excellent guess, but it was Rendered Services. It’s a company founded on the basis that LT was too customer-friendly.

So based on your user name I’m guessing Lincoln Towing?

It’s fine. Golf clubs fit, need to take out the driver. No big deal. Can fit 3-5 grocery bags in the trunk. More HP than the 124 , better built etc.

New England is having a collective orgasm right now.

If Britain and the US took these refugees, this story wouldn't exist.

I think it’s backlash against how they’re trying to paint themselves as victims.

Lack of authenticity? How so? If anything, I would say people don’t like him because he is unabashedly authentic, just not in a way that most race car fans would like.

No, it’s really nothing like that, since San Francisco isn’t currently wanting to secede from the U.S., for starters.

Counterpoint - it’d never happen because western filmmakers are actually familiar with the western world, but there’d be just as much of an outcry if this was an image of the NY skyline with the Sears Tower photoshopped into it or an image of the Paris skyline with Big Ben added. It’s fucking stupid and it deserves to

That’s the annoying thing this article seems to forget: regardless of whether or not this lady is real, there is very much really people like this.

I would’ve loved the chance to see this race happen, as my sister’s apartment in the Seaport area would’ve overlooked the track, but there’s one thing that I haven’t read much about; where were attendees supposed to stay?

Holding the Olympics in Boston was an idiotic idea. It would have required billions in public spending at a time when the state is running a large deficit and the MBTA needs $10B simply to get back to a good state of repair.

It was a bad weekend for the race. Boston is full of colleges, and that is move-in weekend for many of them. The students returning to town alone is enough to make the city an absolute traffic nightmare with U-hauls double parked on every street.

Canceling the Olympics is one of the smartest things Boston ever did.

Probably no more than the Renegade already has on.

BTW: Great show.

Saying there will never be a comparable replacement for these cars is a little dramatic, don’t you think?