
Yeah, at first I was thinking he was just going along with Trump’s horrible comments to be nice to a piece of shit he had to do television with. After listening to the video a few more times and reading this though... nope, he’s horrible.

Well, as one of the 4 daughters of a man who retained his sexist attitudes after I was born, colour me not shocked. Becoming fathers doesn’t cure men of sexist attitudes.

Also, puts paid the notion that he was merely being polite. He’s now a liability for whomever employs him in future because he has a documented history of making female colleagues and clients uncomfortable by sexualizing and demeaning them and asking them to physically touch other dudes for kicks. This is delicious.

Of course, he did.

I used to work for a nanny service for the ultra wealthy and the case against a concealed home safe, is that in the event of an inside job robbery, where the thieves know there’s a safe in the house, you can be forced to open it. A bank safe doesn’t allow for that kind of access unless you’re the Joker or something.

Many build their own (walk-in) safe and surround it with concrete and then hide/disguise it somewhere in the house where it isn’t very accessible. It’s a lot more convenient.

It would be difficult to agree more. Love the hell out of that movie.

This could be the funniest documentary ever, and your time would still be better spent watching Stop Making Sense, which is just a fucking masterpiece.

Giant Jabba The Huts of a fucking feather.

As if Bill were running for office!


They definitely have some ‘splaining to do. I mean, it’s not like Access Hollywood had to divide its focus this week between the campaign and Hurricane Matthew. By all accounts, NBC was going to let Access Hollywood break the story, which is entirely fucked up on a number of other levels.

I hope this becomes it’s own story. What the heck, NBC?!?

I feel pretty strongly that NBC, until WaPo forced their hand, had no intention of showing that video. It just makes no sense otherwise. I’ve been around enough news organizations to know. Trump’s ties to NBC run too deep, and Billy Bush is their guy as well.

No wonder Roger Ailes wanted to work with him

Oh definitely. It was someone who worked for them and wanted it out there *before* the debate when it could do as much harm as possible. There is no reason at all to sit on it until after the debate unless they *wanted* to mitigate the effect of the tape as much as was possible and that is NOT the job of a news

“I apologize if anyone was offended” is the most non-apology to ever apology. It’s like kicking someone in the nuts and being like “I’m sorry if that hurt you.”

GODDDDDDD I hope it’s Jeb. That would be the best plot twist.

“Please clap.”

I have to admit that if I were one for consipracy theories, I’d find it awfully convenient that Billy Bush is one of THOSE Bushes. Is this Jeb! taking his revenge?