Godless Glassy-Eyed Clintonista

It’s baffling. Can you imagine what a Trump campaign would have done to him? I know he thinks he’s all “man of the people,” and it would have been awful to see him torn apart, especially so soon after Beau’s death.

Everything he does makes perfect sense when viewed through the lens that he literally thinks he is the only person in the world. Everything revolves around making sure other people know how much power he has, how much money he (allegedly) has, how many ‘hot’ young wives he can have and are appropriately awed by him.

It shouldn’t have to be said, but I will say it anyway: If you voted for Trump because you “just didn’t like Hillary,” I will never fucking forgive you.

Please, please...stop. Oprah is great and all but, No more celebrity presidents. Like ever. I never thought I’d live to say this but I want a professional politician back in charge. Not just someone “from the tee-vee.”