
Scariest Easter bunny I ever saw: a DC horror comics from the '80s that saw three young tykes on an Easter egg hunt dunked in chocolate and devoured head first by a demonic bunny. Their crime? Eating their own chocolate bunnies head first. I think they were going for some kind of ironic Twilight Zone thingie, but I

What horseshit. Even forgetting the mountain of merchandise Disney has been pushing all these years off its Princess line, a Wonder Woman movie is tailor-made for merchandising. Invisible planes, Paradise island playsets, dolls with military/secret identity oufits, tiaras, plastic bracelets, golden lassos… okay, maybe

Agreed, women don't go to movies because they do or don't star a woman; they go to movies because they hear it's going to be a good movie. What's frustrating is how studio execs look at movies like Catwoman and Tank Girl and say, "See? No one wants comic movies starring chicks!"…. completely missing the point that