
Well, I for one am disappointed that AV club decided to skip reviewing this show. I thoroughly enjoy, and love reading your view on it.

Batibat is a real demon from Filipino folklore. Well, I say ‘real’, you know what I mean

Allow me to pedantically pull my pants down, and show that some people are, indeed, hung.

Can we start calling Sam Witwer’s character by his real personage? I mern, the guy just screams Psycho Pirate.

The power of stories is in the retelling. Any story that is just a single version will die after that single version is told, but anything that can be retold, reinterpreted, will stand the test of time. 

I think letting the bartender know (politely) it wasn’t to your taste is all you can, and should, do. Don’t expect anything in return, but if the bartender thinks hospitality is important, they will offer you something else. If they’re too busy, or for other reasons doesn’t have the inclination, well, that’s their

The two biggest games from last year were Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WIld, and Horizon Zero Dawn. The former is Japanese, the latter Dutch. Neither country has a gun problem. Heck, the biggest contributor to this tired argument is GTA, which originated in Britain, which also does not have a gun problem. The entire

All disgusting things aside, was that the Song of Storms?

Couple of things: Maul surviving happens in on the cartoon. You can do things in a cartoon that can’t get past suspension of disbelief in a live-action setting. However, Leia using the Force is in line with what this movie is trying to establish, namely that the Force doesn’t need any special training. HOWEVER

First Vaccines, then the climate, then the Internet, now freedom of press...will you Americans please stop fucking with good things?

Whatever happened to “innocent until proven guilty”? This is mob mentality, a rope away from a public lynching. Yeah, he’s an ass, and probably guilty of the crime, but even if he’s tried and convicted, he’s still a human being. What is it with Americans that as soon as someone commits a crime, he is stripped from all

Honestly, I’m flabbergasted by these going-ons. First of all, let me preface this by saying there is no excuse for rape or sexual harassment at any age. But it seems to me that the moment a person becomes involved in one of these cases, they are depicted as monsters, stripped from all humanity. All sense of nuance is

I don’t think it counts as ‘wrong’, since it’s an RPG, but in the MMO “Star Wars: The Old Republic”, you have the option to play as a Sith Inquisitor, which is basically you trying to become Emperor Palpatine. Except that I decided to play my character as an undercover Jedi. It gives an entirely new dynamic to the

“Waldo has a nastier, more violent streak to him, and incites crowds into throwing shoes and beating people up. This is even harder to believe”- 20/20 hindsight, man.

Let’s be frank: it’s clear by now, the United States is not a civilized country.

Dark, Doesn’t Matter

Just finished it. As a philosophy major, I’m thrilled my degree finally had a use. I went in knowing the twist, but the ride was pretty great nonetheless. Also, I’m fully expecting Eleanor and Tahani pulling a Korrasami.

Kinja, please

This...this is a Community Episode, isn’t it?

Willem DaFriend.