Of course this isn't going to end happily. Dany is barren: either she conquers the Throne, and the generation after her will face another war for the crown, or she dies before she becomes queen. Either way, sad end.
Of course this isn't going to end happily. Dany is barren: either she conquers the Throne, and the generation after her will face another war for the crown, or she dies before she becomes queen. Either way, sad end.
I agree the dragons are to play a role then. Which is why Dany should be careful, and not use them in skirmishes like these. That is one of two lessons she should learn, the other being that Jon was right, and using the doth raki and dragon will alienate the populace against her. That lesson will hit all the harder…
I was rooting for the dragon to die, honestly. Dany should live, obvisouly, but as cool as dragons are, they is such a massive crutch for Targaryen. They are weapons of mass destruction, and all too easy to resort to, as was evidenced by this episode. They should be used as a last resort only, which this was not.…
The books made clear that the story is somewhat cyclical, so this version is nothing but another iteration within that cycle. That means it's canon, but so is the original, and this interpretation does nothing to the original.
A while back, I finally bought a proper gaming PC. I've been waiting for a Steam sale ever since, to get my hands on Skyrim LE. Guess what?
Welp, you're all gonna die.
Asshole is still an asshole. Either of them can say or do what they want, I'm not obliged to listen to them.
Man is an asshole, who claims that atheists have no morals, homosexuals aren't 'real men', women belong in the kitchen, and much, much worse. His kind of ignorance simply has no place in any modern society.
I don't really care too much about Constantine, but I love the way Matt Ryan loves him, so I'm happy to see this.
Honestly, just call it "The fourth Avengers film". Just that. It's not like it actually needs a name.
Say what you want, but that theme is amazing.
With A Year In The Life around the corner, I've been binging Gilmore Girls. I'm just having difficulties getting through the 7th season. Also, SDCC.
Unicron. Voiced by Orson Wells, and taking the concept of "larger-than-life" to beyond incomprehensible, being the size of a ####ing planet. There's the classic Faustian deal with Megatron, turning him into Galvatron. But what makes this the 'best', is the cool, detached demeanor Wells plays him, as if even the…
>Will the next Steven Universe travel episode take place at the Dragonfly Inn?
That reading works less for me, because when C.J. pressed Toby about the existence of a secret space shuttle even before it got leaked, Toby did say his brother implied its existence. To me, this confirms that Toby indeed received said information from his brother. I also consider this scene as the scene that Toby…
Apropos of nothing: I believe Toby wanted to take the fall for C.J., and was as surprised as anyone when he realized she had nothing to do with the leak. He couldn't confess what he did, not only because it would only make C.J. more suspicious (while he was convinced she was innocent), but also because the…
TL:DR, go watch "The Librarians".
And I'm disappointed to still see no mention of the same-sex kiss between Ever After High princesses Apple White and Darling Charming.
Mewes cameo wasn't Smith's idea, but dictated by the writers, and Smith wasn't too enthusiastic about it, because he in fact did not want this to be a "Kevin Smith" episode. I mean, fair is fair.
Apple White and Darling Charming.