
Nothing like an article about tipping to wake up everyone’s inner cheapskate

I’ll trade it for their not shooting any 12-year-olds with little warning and then lying to cover it up.

Ready Play One dares to ask the question: What if Hiro Protagonist were a white guy?

AV Club writes an article detailing a Buzzfeed Gif article. AV Club has officially gone to dogshite. I’m out, friends

It’s still good! It’s still good!

Never follow a Clayton to a second location

We have to troll ESPN because Ironic Hipster Reasons.

It’s ok though because on mobile, once you expand it you can then see two or maybe three if they are really short. It’s like being in an art gallery where every post gets its own isolated wall to display on.

I had no idea Nintendo was that old. Apparently they also ran love hotels. Imagine the inovative, family oriented, intuitive to use brothels we could have today if they’d just stayed the course.

Also, zipper merging is the right way. Morons who “get over early” and then refuse to merge drive me crazy.

Opposite of Morrissey is Mojo Nixon

Johnny Marr?


There you go


Remember when the comments section updated by itself? Man, that was rad!

What’s the opposite of irony?

well tAvenge is still pumping it (; ?

I’m sorry, maybe you missed it...but a rich person with poor manners has an Instagram account and spoke down to someone! An. Instagram. Account.

Nice tongue-in-cheek headline there, folks.