
they arent profiting directly from the content use or taking away from any profits the owner could make. the content the streamer puts out is the money maker. the copyrighted content is just decoration. suing for that would be like a baseball team suing a guy for wearing their team’s hat in a stream they didnt agree

I am issuing a cease and desist on your comment. Please remove or I will sue.

That’s what I thought, but it makes sense to let most people slide. No one probably cares that some random streamer has a Supernatural Dean gif or anime character blocking the in-game chat unless they’re big Twitch names. In which case most of them commission their own art or use fan artwork.

Their assumption that people will think she’s associated with Fox because she uses the words “Zoidberg” and has a small image on her page is ludicrous. Literally no one will or has ever thought that, guaranteed. That said, they have millions of dollars and an army of lawyers, and she doesn’t, so she’s probably

Doesn’t this mean that—technically speaking—every single person on Twitch streaming an MMO with a picture/gif of some kind covering their chat window in the bottom corner is in violation of copyright, assuming the picture isn’t their own work?

You didn’t get your girl nerd uniform? Mine came with thigh highs and a tie you can’t straighten.


I may have just bought thigh highs and called it my girl nerd uniform.

This is a good joke.

J.R. was reportedly worried about the civil suit until his lawyer told him it was a real long shot.

Are we even sure that’s Smith in the video? It’s hard to imagine him doing anything that isn’t above-board.

“You want a pizza me? I artichoke you for what you just said.”

“That was the worst fight I’ve ever seen. Absolutely brutal.” - Dwight Howard


Gurl you know her chakras aren’t aligned yet. I doubt that she would show up on time.

I haven’t listened to this song in years (like... ten. Possibly fifteen) and now I need to.

You absolutely know she'll be number 4.

I love Lauryn, but I LOL’d

hehehe. my friend tried to defend her perpetual lateness the other day (he is a huge fan) and I was like no, just no.

Missy was honored in 2007, but who needs research on the internet!

Missy, obviously.