
Thanks for this article. I actually read Jason DeParle’s book awhile ago, but didn’t scream at it like I should have. My father was a deadbeat dad who didn’t leave my mother and I, but insisted on staying with us while essentially having his living expenses subsidized. Mine was one of those scenarios where we would

Since this is how he talks:

I don’t care what his face looks like now. I still want to kick him in his balls.

I don’t understand why each article I’ve seen written about this guy makes him out to be a harmless little rube. He is abhorrent, and nothing about his sentence, early release, home monitoring, etc. lead me to believe that he won’t act out again. He’ll just be better at hiding his actions. He’s the definition of

Indeed, his dad pulled out all of the stops. But, his son got loads of training and education about alcohol abuse and consent as a Stanford freshman- it’s not like he didn’t know the consequences. He threw all of that out the window, and should pay the price. Even if his son isn’t inherently violent, all of the

I had that nagging feeling when I listened to the podcast - here is a vibrant young woman who was killed in the most horrible way, and of course there would many people who just couldn’t revisit the experience because it was far too painful. The podcast struck me as an extended 1st-person musing whose narrative style