
One difference is that when someone acknowldges that African Americans commit a much larger proportion of violent crime than whites, based on percentage of population, they are called a racist piece of shit. I don’t really see anyone jumping to that ridiculous conclusion here for some reason. It seems to be A-OK to

line line everywhere quickly get to your teams everyone and bunker down logic will not matter soon.

What is this idiocy? I mean, it’s one thing to be there when a person starts shooting, pull out your gun and return fire. Still a bad idea, still won’t stop these sorts of things, but at least it’s understandable for people in that situation.

What do you want to hear? That guy said in his interview that he was 200 yards away in a different building. What would you like to have happened? He and other vets stayed with other class mates to provide protection should the shooter had come into their building.

I will note his race with bemusement: last night there was a thread that garnered over 100 stars with someone saying “white males are the real terrorists in America.”

DC sniper, Virginia Tech Shooter, UCSB shooter, the guy who gunned down the TV reporter and cameraman, James Edward Pough, Jiverly Wong......more than enough examples to prove that all races are capable of this.

That is true but you’ll never get them to admit to being wrong. Just, “huh, I expected a white guy”.

So riding these bikes through the city is illegal, but the police trying to stop the event are the bad guys?

Taping signals during 2000-2006 was perfectly legal, wasn’t it? Am I just taking crazy pills here?