
I guess some lines aren’t that blurred.

I think she is a fine actress, not outstanding but perfectly good. The internet community just seems to periodically decide that certain actors or (more frequently) actresses are unable to act, despite the fact that the average mouthbreather making comments couldn’t act their way out of a paper bag.

Magicians Corner: It speaks to just what a deep bench this show has in terms of acting that they can build an episode where our main characters only appear fleetingly so that characters ranging from supporting to fleeting and peripheral can take center stage and the performances are still rock solid. And it was nice

No turtle pic? It’s like I don’t even know you anymore, AV Club.

“Ah ha Step 1 of my 59 step plan to re-obtain Kurt’s guitar is complete, kidnapping a human being!”

This is the fifth-craziest Courtney Love related story I’ve ever heard!

Michael B. Jordan needs to be a star. The fact that almost every review gives him as much attention as Boseman makes me happy.

“which would be a sick burn on Jared Leto if it wasn’t obviously said in jest (Harbour was in Suicide Squad),”

God damn it, this is a great film.

I was 13 when this classic came out and even then I knew that it was Linda Hamilton's performance that made this film. SHE deserved some kind of recognition from the Oscars. Arnold was great without argument, but I feel she carried the film.

To quote some guy on Twitter, my favorite sage of our times:
"Studios keep giving Zack Snyder money in the vain hopes that lightning will strike once."

"There are some who would go further, and argue that they should have stopped with just one Terminator movie—that self-contained B-movie actioner, as relentless as the manlike machine of its title."

I occasionally feel sympathy for Paul W.S. Anderson who has to endure being mistaken for not one, but TWO infinitely more talented directors to the point of frequency that he was forced to adopt the somewhat ungainly professional moniker he is now known by, but then I remember he gets to have regular sex with Milla

Most of the Atheists I know rip into Islam with just as much intensity. The reason why things like Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, etc usually get a pass is that those religions (Hare Krishnas aside) tend to be pretty good about leaving everyone else the fuck alone. And a number of them don't even do the passive

"Christ On A Fucking Pole" is the name of Cronk's next album.

I think it has something to do with massive water purifier or something.

I also heard that he wanted to be the Boss, and even though there was a cost, he paid it.

If I Want to See Liam Neeson Play a Bad Ass…
…I'll watch my dvd of Darkman.