
Yeah i would love to see Eugene changed by hus experiences in Hell and give Jessie a good punch in the gut for sending him to hell.

Im loving House of Cards right now.

I’m on the fence about Gifted the trailer doesn’t wow me but i am a HUGE x- men fan so i will probably give it a try i meana grounded X- men story could def work in a tv series that emphasizes the themes more than the effects.

Maybe he should focus on making watchable movies instead of all these reality shows and podcasts? I barely got thru 15 mins if Yoga Hoosers.

I’m so bored with the Eugene in Hell scenes they have completely dragged down the whole series and keep repeating themselves over and over without getting us anywhere or telling us anything about his character that we didn’t already know and I am really freaking sick of seeing this teenage girl commit suicide over and

They aren’t even that “black” like they look more like college pot heads than gangsters.

Probably high and just goofing around.

Its always easier to bash something when you have no real idea the process of making such a thing especially on a video game that has tons of different people working on it.

Clearly Solange is aiming for her own reality show.


30 year old teenagers?

Who shops at Wal-Mart for videogames anyways?

I wonder what her chances are? if this video shows it's just a bruise that's not much of a damage to her modelling career cause they can cover that up with makeup or photoshop.

I'm guessing this doesn't effect buying used cars from newspapers and such right?

Well lets see she constantly mocks and puts down the mexican midget on the show which just makes me uncomfortable mostly for the midget part.

Does she really expect the interviewer to pay attention to her during commercial breaks?

Well he handled it better than i would.

This is the one time i don't blame that tongue for sticking out i mean if i was a tongue i would want to jump out of Miley's mouth and into Katy's.

I don't want to point the finger but i feel like hollywood movies are somewhat to blame for making this sort of obsessive behavior into something romantic and sweet.

It sounds like he needs anger management.