
I thought in real time, then the slo-mo’s, Joyner turned his body to make more direct contact with his upper body, not necessarily his head, but upper torso. Had he stayed on the original line, I think he would have hit and road over the top of his midsection, which I would be more forgiving on, because of the speed

Kane has drunkenly put himself in bad situations over and over.

The cabbie incident was first. The Cinco de Mayo incident in Madison, the time with Madden in Canada, the other multiple instances from this past summer during various drunken (many of which taped on camera phones)

My point was people who the public know nothing about are not extended that courtesy, but a famous player, with a reputation of irresponsible behavior, does. In a perfect world, everyone would get that right, in reality, only the famous do.

Sorry you couldn’t understand the comparison I was making between a high profile person accused of crimes who gets the benefit of the doubt but the same understanding is not extended to any other criminals reported about on the local news. I’ll try to be more coherent in future responses for you.

Glad you feel that way. You are right, I should just blindly support a team and only get outraged by important issues like signings, trades, and coaches’ decisions.

Correct $Bill was an absolute shit bag. Rocky has taken pride about doing things “the right way” and wanting to put a better face on things. It just seemed funny that they have a major press release about changing the music they play when a woman shoots the puck between periods, but have one horrible press conference

You are absolutely right, it just sucks when a team you follow gets their moment of shame.

I don't disagree with you. My issue with this case, in particular, is you have another incident by a person who has a record of bad behavior. I wouldn't treat a single offense the same as with a player that repeatedly puts himself in stupid situations.

If this was a single accusation against someone like Toews, I would be less likely for strong measures until more info came forward. Kane has a reputation, and this is far from the first serious incident with Kane, so I would not classify it as knee-jerk.

As a Hawk’s fan, it disgusts me all the idiots who scream “innocent until proven guilty” but don’t seem to extend that to people accused of crimes on the south & west side. I’m torn wanting to continue to cheer for a team i’ve loved since I was kid and distance myself from an organization that prides itself on class

They are both pieces of trash with teams shielding them.

That’s exactly what I was thinking.

I know this comment will not go over well, but that is pheasant hunting. I do not like mike huckabee, or anything he stands for, but I think there are much more important and serious issues to take with him than pheasant hunting. I grew up pheasant hunting with my dad, using shot guns and small shot. Some pheasants

Good way to sleep, try reading this article before bed. Got through 1.5 paragraphs before nodding off.

How his face lights up when he sees his kids makes up for no one opening the gate.

Ok, Life Aquatic and Darjeeling Limited are both fantastic movies, but Bill Murray is really only “in” Aquatic. His minute and a half in Darjeeling, I don’t really count. Also, Lost in Translation was one of his best performances. His performance in Broken Flowers is great too, despite the movie overall being pretty

Typical east coast, west coast bias! Bears’ fans are definitely in the top 5. They are ignorant animals.

I get why this is on Kotaku. I have no ideas why this is on Deadspin, other than they love to report on nothing but negative stories.

Al would be right if he was talking about middle class wages, but fuck him and his elitist propaganda! I fucking loath millionaires complaining about taxes when they pay less than 15% while the “takers” who are paying twice that have to scrape by at $12 an hour.