[Spike Lee angrily tweets Russel Simmons' address]
[Spike Lee angrily tweets Russel Simmons' address]
I made a comment a couple episodes back saying that Gus was the "worse" of the two, but after finishing the series I can confidently say they're both equally awful in their own unique ways. The fact that I eagerly watched all episodes, while not rooting for either character (except when Mickey seemed to be investing…
I'll say Gus because he seems to think he's a "good guy." Mickey certainly has her bad qualities, but by being a member of various 12-step programs, she at least is making an effort at addressing them and moving into more self-awareness about what she does.
Yo dawg, I heard you like the Calvin peeing on things sticker, so I put Calvin peeing on Calvin peeing on Calvin peeing on Calvin…
I looooooaaaaaathe these commercials. They've been airing them with Premier League matches on NBC Sports' buggy app, which means I see that smug, mealy-mouthed fuck constantly "wow" the kind of people that find CBS comedies "edgy."
Those crazy gays pose a terrifying existential threat to Western ideals and institutions, unlike the fine, upstanding moral crusaders in the Trump administration.
Meet Dan's cousin, Walter Sobchak.
Thanks AV Club! Now, can you get Teti to finally review Six Feet Under's final season for TV Club Classic?
This comment also popped up in the celebrity nudes article and I think it still works.
This warms my "weirdo" heart.
When bored at work my friends and I would turn classic works of literature's titles pornographic, so, A Tale of Two Titties; As I Lay Diane; A Hard Man Is Good To Find; Ride and Swallow This (Pride and Prejudice), etc.
They're moving you to the basement. Bring your Swingline stapler.
Spike Lee angrily retweets John Peel's address.
How dare this man try and be accurately compensated for his creative labor.
He just wants to free his kid.
Sarandon and Jon Voight should have some interesting small talk on set.
The Day the Robot Cried
Our Altamont?
This is our Dylan going electric! Judas!