How about 'Superetarded?' Because if it doesn't come with a stick, I'm not buying it.
@EasyEVG: You misunderstand: I adore plaid. A good deal of wardrobe is plaid. What annoyed me was the situation. I simply think the setup for the shoot was very silly, and demeans the working man. And don't go off on me because I said that. It's quite obvious that's the theme they were playing on for the shoot.
The word that comes to mind is "pathetic."
Ack. Sorry about the double post. I must have been disconnected in the middle of the action.
I just whack people with 'em. Bars that is. When I steal their wallets, I get all the free beer I need.
@Craig: Gotta agree with you. I'd be using the latest version of Flock right now, if it weren't for the fact that I use an older version of Flock for my HomeStar fix, as it's based on FireFox version 1.x as opposed to 2.x. About as slick as slick can be. Another browser I really like is Songbird [www.songbirdnest.com]…
Frankly, I can't live without QuickSilver. Greatest thing to come to Mac since the GUI. Also, I like MenuMeters from Raging Menace: [www.ragingmenace.com] and You Control [www.yousoftware.com] Really really useful. Finally, iCyclone is a great fan controller for people like me, whose MacBooks Pro (I'm thinking that's…
Personally, I find this very pretty. I've always had a thing for red leather. For car leather. Not wearing. HA!