absolute HORSESHIT. Citation needed. Show me the law that says that. Calls for violence are considered violence NOT insults
absolute HORSESHIT. Citation needed. Show me the law that says that. Calls for violence are considered violence NOT insults
He is not doing their work. They think he is a “Cuck”. Have you ever even listened to his speeches. Don’t get me wrong. I hate the guy. but He has been deliberately misrepresented to make him appear far worse than he is, diverting the conversation from the real threats. The Alt right is not everyone that disagrees…
That is what your news outlets have told you, yes. I suggest you listen to full speeches not soundbites out of context
Incorrect. Words develop and change organically as the language changes not artificially as a result of a fringe minority political lobby attempting to change the conversation to aid them in their agendas. If a particular lobby decides that Chicken is now beef so that they can sell it at the same price as a steak does…
Except that that action does not make him a Nazi. Burning them would.
Also your reasons for why he does this is incorrect. And George Dubya’s plan does nothing to prevent future illegal immigration.
There is no far-left in America
Citation needed
I have cited them in other comments but there are those who equate words with violence in an effort to justify using physical force on their opponents even when those opponents have not raised a hand. See the Spencer situation
Stopped yes. I agree. But punching him is not going to stop him. It will only help him by garnering sympathy. That is what happens when you answer ideas with violence. Ideas must be fought with Ideas, and violence with violence. Mixing and matching only serves to help them. either by being too strong or not strong…
No, Instead I will tell you my own. I am Jewish. My Family comes from holocaust survivors. I am the one of the ones the Alt-right blames the whole “Global conspiracy”. I suggest you go to stormfront if you want to know what the alt right really looks like, because you are clearly clueless.
I’m not apologizing for their beliefs. I am saying that preventing them from expressing them is a dangerous path to take. It is what THEY did. Spencer made no calls to action. Attacking him only serves to HELP him.
I didn’t run off because he insulted me. I didn’t respond because he made no statements of substance to respond to. Had the insults been bundled with any actual points they would have been ignored. He made no such points. His entire tactic was to insult. I made a point, He ignored it in favor of insult. The debate…
By morons who just want to be able to punch their opposition because they are to emotionally immature to debate. Also by morons who don’t realize that this is counterproductive and serves to help the racists. Unless he’s calling for action, adults don’t punch.
Being influential does not equate to being typical. Trump is not most republicans either.
How do you figure?
I wonder how many conversations in the White House that center on undocumented immigrants focuses on those from countries OTHER than Mexico (or countries in Central America). My guess is “mostly none.”
I am not alt right. I am a classical liberal.
Violence takes on many forms, dipshit. There is this thing called “nonphysical violence.” There’s also “structural violence,” as well as “institutional violence.”
Here is a list of bullshit conspiracy theories you guys swallow.