I have gone beyond my relatives. You need to go beyond your “news” sources. Hitler and trump are vastly different
I have gone beyond my relatives. You need to go beyond your “news” sources. Hitler and trump are vastly different
The left doesn’t perceive it’s wack job conspiracy theorists as deranged. It accepts their theories as mainstream thought. So even If i did list them they would seem sensible to the ideologically entrenched
This is why it’s important to punch Nazis.
So his views about the racial supremacy of the whites are better than theirs because he hasn’t attacked anyone yet? Bullshit
That simply isn’t true of the left wing conspiracy grifters, regardless of how successful they are at getting money from credulous lefties.
Words make actions
I fail to see why you bring race into the test. It’s not like the device sees race. The test has a high false positive rate regardless of race
calls from concerned residents altered police who then showed up to the tailor’s shop
Mistakes like when he said they were turning the frogs gay? Please, spare me.
I never said that. You both do the exact same things. You lie about the other. You misrepresent each other. You both make false moral equivalencies. And you both are too ideologically entrenched to see it.
How about every time you claim wanting to deal with illegal immigration is the same as White supremacy, or equate all criticism of your position with Nazism as though the rule of law has no value and that is the only motivation possible withing your opposition. Also if you are going to resort to childish insults…
EEEEHH WRONG. It was an ongoing process of litigation that lasted until late 2016. See, Thiel got himself involved in the Hulk Hogan fiasco, which meant that his situation was talked about while that was going on as well.
The constitution protects citizens and those here legally.
Last time I checked it wasn’t trump supporters rioting, burning, or demanding the government control what people say or think. Please do explain your “totalitarianism” comment. Requiring that people follow the long since pre-established laws instead of turning a blind eye to law breaking is not totalitarianism.
He is hardly typical for republicans, and your descriptors describe both the far right AND far left pretty well.
A) I see articles by her from early 2016, so yes.
Oh look, a former Gawker media blog criticizing someone for outing someone else. Hypocrisy thy name is THIS EXACT SITUATION.
It’s time to grow up and realize that if we want to get anywhere we need to hold the people we vote for every bit as accountable as those we don’t. If it’s not Okay when trump does it, then it’s not OK when Obama does it either. It doesn’t suddenly become OK when our guy does it. A bad act is a bad act no matter who…
The term gentile is used by Jews to refer to non-Jews. Muslims are not Jews therefore they are considered gentiles. read a book ffs.
Even if it was murder, there is no evidence of it being racially or sexually motivated. Judges make PLENTY of enemies just by doing their jobs.