Solus project supports VR.. just sayin
Solus project supports VR.. just sayin
Toxic does not equate to troll, unless you think anyone who disagrees with you is a troll
citation needed
How can these people not realize that this might help their own families down the line too?
because they like to push their politics
Who is the chick in the wig and why is she wearing Edward Elric’s clothes. She his new fling or something?
Because insulting a black person is racist even when the insult has nothing to do with race, as long as the insulter is lighter colored than the insultee, automatic racism.
I’ll take that under consideration
I have been reading humour. I find it very humourous reading a bunch of whingeing ideologues talk about things beyond their limited ken with little to no self awareness.
the word you are looking for is FORE fathers. not four fathers. Especially since there are 3 of them.
Bates Kaitos. The main character who you have been with since he was a child as his guardian spirit, betrays you, leaves, and casts you out, leaving you to drift as a disembodied spirit to seek a lesser vessel.
mmm mmm mmm
this game reads like a fan fiction mod
You keep comparing this to the previous games as though you expect it to be as good. It had none of the same people work on it. They essentially passed the IP to their C team and washed their hands of it. None of those who worked on Andromeda have the experience or skill of those who worked on the first 3. For all…
Because it makes no sense. People are not all Bi, they have preferences. For a game that focuses on character interaction, making it authentic is key to making it believable
Oh Dragonball....
There are plenty of workshops for you but this one is not? Do you not see the issue here? None of the workshops that exist are exclusively for men. They are for both genders. If this was done in the other direction there would be outrage.
Lots of girls are taught that video games and game development are for men.
How will it go wrong? Hopefully not with Smough goes to the beach cosplay.