

This is stupid. Why is this so stupid? Stop being stupid!

hahahahahhah hahaha hahah ha...... no

RIP Slowmara

Meehan told the judge that she never intended to “abscond” with the sorority’s money, did not use it for personal gain, and shouldn’t have kept the money in a shoe box. “I wasn’t thinking as an attorney but like a ... sorority girl,” she said.

Teenchu used sucker punch.  It was Super Effective.

You do know that sexual harassment is not the same as sexual assault right?

These instances are gross and disturbing to be sure. I am glad to see this action being taken. But it is not assault. By definition it is not. no one is being touched. No one is being physically harmed. these are ones and zeros. Pixels on a screen.

So digital groping is rape?

Is this virtual “groping” disgusting and assholish? Absolutely, but calling it sexual harassment is going to far. these are 1s and 0s. they are not real. is it offensive? yes. should it be blockable? absolutely. but using such strong terminology is giving it entirely to much weight and power.

console commands

Correction. It is all of the above.

Where is this vitriol coming from? At what point did I attack you? At what point did I try to enforce a belief? I was just trying to have an interesting discussion. If you are too emotionally invested for that then so be it. You have put an awful lot of words and Ideas in my mouth that I never espoused. You have

let me quickly sum up then. you completly misunderstood what I was saying this whole time.

My ONLY point was that you can have differing opinions between party-mates on individual topics without being a hypocrite.

You asserted that one set of people in a group must share all their opinions and be culpable for the decisions of another set of people, merely because they share a larger identarian label. If you don’t understand why that sort of sweeping generalization and paint brushing warrants addressing then I can’t help you.

which has exactly nothing to do with my point

I disagree (kind of). I agree with your premise. But shouldn’t those who staunchly agree with the opposite also have a say in how their property works? I think they should put the option to choose who gets prioritized in the settings and let each user make that choice according to their personal preferences. 

Why not have both? Why not have a setting in the software that lets the user pick who gets prioritized? That way the company completely circumvents the problem by placing it in the hands of each user to decide on the basis of their personal preference.

Socialism != communism. Name one successful example of a communist state. Otherwise, that was a very well thought out post.