What makes you think "Chineesyness" is a something OK to say? Or the casual implication that anybody who's Chinese is automatically a liar? Do you people ever learn, or do you elect a black guy and think you will never be assholes again?
A Keurig is not an easier way to make coffee than a superautomatic espresso machine. I really think people don't know they exist. You fill it with water, pour beans in, turn it on, push a button, and you have excellent coffee. That's it. When the grinds fill up you dump them out. (You're also supposed to do weekly…
How about shooting them then?
* Edited - I had written something objecting to your casually racist comment, but I doubt it's worth the effort.
Guess that's why you're not working there anymore, huh?
It will totally protect you from all the ass-kickings it attracts.
Ah, high school. Those were the days.
Ah, high school. Those were the days.
I hear her husband is absolutely hilarious. Was he?
Hey, don't take your ball and go home now! Alright, I guess I didn't account for the possibility maybe your upbringing was that different from people I know. Frankly, I thought you sounded like a hipster douche, one of those guys with cultivated opinions who are still somehow very provincial. Good for you that you can…
Look at all this stupid you started with your ignorant, xenophobic remark. Soooo much stupid ... *gaaaarrrgghh gurgle gurgle blurp blurp* <- Sound of me drowning in stupid.
"I'll see you at the plant tomorrow."
Do you work in defense or intelligence or something? I haven't heard of such technological prowess from a government body before.
You said it better than I can.
Well that came from nowhere. Sigh. Good luck to you, wherever you're headed. I never realized how much I enjoyed reading about flying until this.
Are you actually gone? I like Flight Club.
What are you saying, they're all assholes?
2) Continue to let the U.S. Government charge ludicrous and criminal fees for Taiwanese tax dollars to be spent on outdated weapons and hand-me-down shit we no longer want.
Jeez, lighten up. The Louisiana accent is not a very pleasant one, and neither is Chinese. We can't do anything about that, but at least we don't have to take ourselves too seriously, right?
Funnily enough I'm Chinese, so no.