son of Battle Chief

how do they bare hand catch them?

Aren’t you the exothermic of the two?

I guess it’s easier than carrying your coffin around on road trips.

You’re not married, are you?

Fancy bed, maybe, but fancy dog? Nope.

I guess you haven’t been around long enough to know what “quid pro quo” means. Either that, or you guys have ethics.

I wonder if he played Lacrosse, too.

Yeah, they should’ve named him Tube.

RatM’s self-titled first album is, IMO, the most important album of the 20th Century. It is pure art expressing the hopelessness and anger of the downtrodden.

At this point, the worst advice anyone can give is “You should play tackle football”, and the worst person to listen to for any kind of advice is a tackle football coach.

A great deal of any popular media caters to our inner animal selves, e.g. rape in GoT and hate in a lot of hip-hop. Then, you’ve got real artists in those genres that are trying to demonstrate the power of love and positivity, or at least beautifully expressing the difficulties of life (e.g. Tupac’s “Do For Love”).

He did play in Boston.

Maybe he realizes that, while he loves playing baseball, it’s boring as fuck to watch and that $145M is a pretty fucking sweet, guaranteed contract.

Always trust the rheumatist.

As a programmer, I can state that the heat death of the universe will occur before we have a handheld device capable of properly spelling all African-American and White-Lacrossian first names.

Makeup, synthetic opiates and Applebee’s.

Bunch o’ whigny young wipper-snappers.

You should be ok, so long as you don’t spend the next 16 years living like Jim Irsay.

No one really doubted he would be back, back, back, back.

I stopped reading at “Surely Irsay understands that public perception is...”