
Obama was a Constitutional Law professor and the minute he became President he accepted the intrusive reality of the surveillance state. I’m telling you Paul would bomb whoever because it would be demanded of him and the NSA would keep spying, without a single doubt. I mean the guy, right now, as Senator, could make

He was also easily the biggest hypocrite running, which is saying quite a lot.

I think you may be over analyzing this. South Park simplifies a struggle and then takes a “contrarian” shit on it (it’s an easy formula to follow). Sometimes it’s pointed, most of the time it’s fairly sloppy. Consistently pseudo-libertarian? I’m not convinced.

It was during the 2012 presidential election campaigns that I suddenly came upon the horrifying realization that all of the young people in my extended family and their friends were basing their entire political belief systems and worldviews on a vulgar, albeit often hilarious, cartoon. I think I tried once to explain

Probably easier to say that there is a type of politics that is identifiably derived primarily from being a fan of South Park rather than, y’know. Political engagement. I’m a fan, they’re still really funny people, but hoo boy does Trey Parker’s personal agenda shine through all his work bright and clear: “Making Trey

I am so sick of this “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!!!1!!12" garbage. This is Deadspin, not a court of law. Chris Burke is an author, not a judge or jury. Innocent until proven guilty has never and will never apply to a public forum. Just like freedom of speech doesn’t apply here. Let me guess, you think freedom of

Shut it down guys, we’re only a month in to 2016 and we already have the comment of the year

Righteous rant. It’s amazing to me that people still have faith that the justice system honorably arrests, prosecutes and convicts the right person. I don’t know if this guy is guilty or not because I don’t know the facts.

Is there a CliffsNotes regarding this post?

You forgot the “Chapter” markers, but overall, I think Making a Murderer 2 is gonna suck.

Did you have multiple tabs open and accidentally make your comment in the wrong article?

Wha....wha...what the fuck was THAT?


You’re obviously this guys brother

tl, dr

This country has many problems. These people who complained are part of those problems.