
Yeah I like them less when they’re happy. Usually means they just finished some horrific shit.

When the real photo still looks like the ‘after’ photo in a goddamn meth PSA, does it really matter that the other one is photoshopped?

Tertiary syphilis has issued a statement denying any connection to Steve Bannon.

Maybe THAT’S the photoshopped image, and the funny syphilis one is real. You can never tell with all these fake news and alternative facts...

Gosh, it’s almost like this is totally worse than two decades of Fox News doing the same to anyone’s photo that they didn’t agree with!

Wow. He looks even worse in the original.

Thank you kareema, I am now have to memorize“sarcasmometer” as a standard term. That term itself is priceless!

It’s an alternative picture. I am sure that Kellyanne would have no issue with this.

I was just a problem drinker till the election. I had to step up my game.

Please do not remind me. Dick Cheney still walks the earth as well.

I prefer the term ‘Irish’ thank you.

Close enough

Sigh. Alan Rickman is dead and this globule of bad whiskey mixed with Irish Spring is alive.

I think Bannon maybe got bitten by one of those giant spiders from Lord of the Rings. The spider died of course but the venom has turned Bannon into the equivalent of a Hefty bag full of soup.

Steve Bannon looks like what happens when you let white supremacy and Nazism run unchecked through the halls of power and media for decades

Aren’t most adults alcoholics though?

because it’s dull you twit!

Bourdain says tertiary syphillis is no joke.

It certainly makes sense. Then again, he could just be a physically dirty person, who’s a hardcore alcoholic. He doesn’t seem to take any pride in his appearance, which is odd, considering he’s part of Trump’s inner circle. You’d think he try to look presentable. Instead he looks like somebody who crawled out of the

But for real my friends, do get tested. #STISARENOJOKE