Robert A Petersen

You fuckin paranoid hipster.

But with tons more apps/developer support, a proven UI, and excellent customer support. So yeah, just like the Lumia, apart from in every way.

The iPad 3rd gen has a perfectly decent camera, and it's just as annoying having these people blocking your shots, so why aren't you bitching about them?

You're quite sad if you're seriously getting upset because how dare someone take a picture if it gets in your way. Whatever's. I'll leave you alone.

Yeah, cause pro photographers don't ever use huge obnoxious cameras that block other people's views....

Stop ruining our shots with your huge obnoxious tablets!

Yeah, and a Ferrari is better than a Civic, but should Ferrari owners be yelling at all lesser cars to get off "their road"?

You'd feel better if those same people were using cell phones, or their own high end camera? Get over yourself. You don't have exclusive rights to photography, doubly so if you think FRIENDS and FAMILY of the Bride and Groom are less important than you and your photos.

Yes, I am saying they are not idiots. They chose a different device than you, so what? You seem to think that people who use a tablet to take a picture are doing it just to piss you off, or to show off, and that no other reason could possibly exist (such as likes the useability, or doesn't want to use a tiny ass

It's still public. If I don't want someone to hear me in public I won't say it in public. There is no expectation of privacy in public areas.

Who mentioned Apple at all? Or do you assume "they said something negative about an Android phone, they must be of the iSheep brigade!"

Apple no longer allows use of UDIDs by apps just FYI.

Not everyone that owns an iPad has a smartphone. I have a 3rd gen iPad, but my iPhone 4 was stolen and until I have cash for an iPhone 5 I'm stuck with an old Razr with a 1.2mp camera. So now I'm an ass for wanting to take a decent picture? Fuck *you* and the high horse you rode in on.

I find people complaining about people using tablets for pictures are the ones acting like douchebags.

Public is public. Now if the FBI were going 1984 and installing camera in my house then yeah that's sinister. But in public? Nope. Anyone who's visited London was on CCTV 100% of the time in public, including myself the two times I visited. Didn't seem sinister at the time.

Since I think the US should use Metric as well I'd say the argument works well indeed.

It's not like these are otherwise unused images, they are used in various OS X screensavers. They are still there for a reason. It's not like Apple went "TeeHee! Let's hide a folder with huge pics for just space wasting!"

Being an asshole justifies swat teams in my opinion. And that guy is a grade A asshole.

More like UK vs most of the world. The majority of the planet drives on the right side.

I can tell from the pixels, and from having seen quite a few helicopters chasing cars in my time?