Safari does have extension support by the way. Nice troll though.
Safari does have extension support by the way. Nice troll though.
I used to loooooove FireFox but really, Chrome these days I think is better. In my opinion (on a Mac):
If we're talking Jailbreak (and why wouldn't we?) then Safari + Safari Download Manager + WebGL enabler +User Agent Faker.
I'd say it feels snappier, definitely not slower anyway, and I'm liking the new additions to the OS.
You could email apple support, or ask in person at your local Apple Store. The few times I've emailed support they've gotten back to me very quickly. Apple's support is beyond top notch and I'm sure would get you the answer you need.
Being in the developer program and having access to the Gold Master, my "preparation" was:
I would think the odds that they wouldn't take your money and run are low. Or if they did ship I'm thinking Customs would send a few people to your house (likely well armed people) to have a nice long chat.
The stupid, it BURNS!
Yeah, because there is NO app piracy on Android, and no malware.
Did you even PLAY any of Squares SNES RPGs? Christ that music is amazing....
So, I know April will be 16 and all, but...will she still be sporting the D cup?
Just wanted to give a major thumbs up for the DD-WRT recommendation. It is truly awesome.
NCSA Mosaic!
I used to do Meth. Seriously, for around 3 years. I quit cold Turkey a year ago and am still clean. If you try to take away my Milk I will stab you in the face. I'd relapse in 10 seconds, and suck dick for a pint of Milk. Some things you can't quit.
I'm sure it's been said elsewhere, but...
Wait, I always assumed Chrome WAS the default web browser? Seeing as Google makes Android it was an always an assumption I had. What is the default, or what is the default based on? And why isn't it Chrome? I'm an iOS user so excuse the ignorance, just curious.
I may burn in nerd hell for this but Ronald D. Moore > Gene Roddenberry when it came to TNG.
As a non-expert, what's the difference?