
I’m still convinced you could get by with just two warning lights.

*ahem* steel tariffs

It must suck to do business in an environment, where the government changes policy overnight with no warning.

Driver’s side power window switch (or motor) is out on convertible again.

If you have been around cars for any length of time, and don’t have a love/hate relationship with them, I’m not sure you can really claim any Jalop heritage.

I don’t date supermodels for the same reason: in my dreams they are perfect; in real life they will disappoint, as any person will.

There’s a difference between looking human and making your company seem amateurish.

As I commented on in another thread, that was an amateurish presentation and unveil.

SSR had 400 hp and a retractable hardtop, so how is this even a question?
I just saw an SSR on the street last Wednesday while driving around Tampa. I was with a guy who loves cars, but has spent very little time in the US, so he had never heard of it and was completely puzzled by it. “This was expensive? But....its

I hate you for making me see potential in this car. I lack sufficient motivation to make it happen, but am now convinced that it would be possible for someone to make a 2002 Thunderbird cool.

The reason they kept Buick and not Pontiac is that Buick is very big in China. It is considered as the first car company to set up in that country and still carries clout. They were betting on selling more Buicks in the long run. 

I mean they could have just given us all of the performance Australia and European models we dont get and I would have been fine with it.

+1 bad interior comment

So we bash GM for not trimming the fat then we bash GM for trimming the fat.

Because it’s GM doing it.

This is Jalopnik, GM is always bad here. GM makes affordable, manual, RWD sports cars? Their interiors aren’t as nice as cars 10x the price, so clearly they suck and are awful. I think GM could end world hunger and Jalopnik would find a way to complain about it.

So we bash GM for not trimming the fat then we bash GM for trimming the fat.

I’m not an expert, so can someone explain to me why GM trying to close unprofitable plants is a bad thing? I understand that it is bad for the workers, but if the plant isn’t making the company money, it seems like a really bad business decision to keep it open. It seems like GM sees another recession coming, and

I’ll raise you an Accord.

Ever see a modern Caddy with an aftermarket vinyl roof?