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    Did you really need to say so three times in three minutes? 

    The carbs in Guinness will take you out of ketosis pretty quickly. Definitely not keto friendly 

    I’m done with this place

    No, they shouldn’t. 

    I guess this marks the moment the AV Club gave up any semblance of pretending not to be pure clickbait trash. This headline is embarrassing.

    Andy Stott’s new EP, It Should Be Us, is the musical equivalent of this.

    You're reading a recap for season 2 episode 2. We're well past explaining what the show is. Do your own research. 

    Except that's not troubling at all. 

    I’ve been reading the AV Club for years but I’ve never commented. This change has been so destructive. The best thing this website had going for it (other than the witty editorial staff) was its layout. That concentration of information at the top of the page was why I kept coming back. Sure, if I had a slow day I