My main takeaway from Making of a Murderer is that two things are rampant in Wisconsin: corrupt criminal justice and heart disease related to diabetes.
My main takeaway from Making of a Murderer is that two things are rampant in Wisconsin: corrupt criminal justice and heart disease related to diabetes.
Eh, I think part of it is that there’s a different aesthetic to today’s culture that embraces ironically “bad” stuff as being super self aware and thus, good. The 90s took itself very seriously as a whole. Even Nirvana’s attempts at goofing on the system were misconstrued as serious artistic choices because we were…
Oh you don’t have to tell me about it. My job is in film post, and I do it from a home studio that doubles as a scoring studio. I’ve maintained some kind of studio since I was 15- from 4 track to ADAT to a current loaded Mac rig.
Because of fluctuating finances in the past, I’ve definitely been down to some bare bones…
I guess Ying Yang
Ha. Even you don’t believe yourself here. Also I don’t think being able to stomach something at a party negates that something is trash. You can listen to “Whoot There it Is” at a party and everything is fine and fun, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s disposable garbage.
No matter how you twist the argument, though, it really comes down to this: there’s no realistic argument to be made that they were a better representative of what was going on with heavy rock/metal in 1989 than Metallica.
Cool, cool. There’s 12 names on that list, though. Which other 5 are you gonna co-sign?
Nah, that list is all trash. Half of it is trash because it was made to be mainstream.
Oh I think you’ve definitely got me backward if you think I’m here stanning for Metallica. I don’t have anything against Jethro Tull or put any stock in an award show distinction. I merely brought that up as as a counter to OP’s claim about award shows, as it was the clearest example I could remember from the 80s/90s t…
I don’t find it very hard to find out about new music but I do find it hard to care anywhere near as much as I would’ve even 10 years ago. Part of that, I think, is the fatigue of infinite choice, but also I recognize that it’s just a function of getting older and not giving a shit as much. Like I can hear a new act…
I’m the same age as you, but feel a lot less strongly about the 90s especially. I remember the 90s as this time where all the undergrounds just became exploited so shamelessly. PE gave way to PDiddy. Nirvana put bloated wank rockers out of business and then in less than half a decade, “grunge” just became the kind of…
Gang Starr being on rap-centric shows is quite different from being in full rotation. If we’re talking mainstream, then we’re talking about Hammer & “Who Let the Dogs Out?” I don’t think any of the SoundCloud rappers have reached that level of ubiquity, so I think calling them mainstream rappers is a bit of a stretch. …
Totally my point. It was unwise to rely on the music industry 20 years ago, 30 years ago, etc. Even 50 years ago, kids were already listening to bands that weren’t on popular radio.
Neither of which describes Jetro Tull’s sound ca. 1989.
Also, just looked it up, and it appears the Metallica record in question was ...And Justice For All.
I feel like you have to actively search a lot harder to find good rap music currently, whereas the bad rap music back in the late 80's and 90s was easily dismissed by the masses.
I mean, you’re acting like there wasn’t trash ass rap music back in the day or good ass rap music being made today. Both are untrue.
Getting serious Kids in the Hall “Chicken Lady” vibes from that top image.
I really want to believe you but in California we voted no on Prop 10 & decided it was a good idea to send Feinstein back to the Senate for the 146th year in a row so....
Counterpoint: according to every account I’ve ever read, Lacob fuckin’ loooooves Draymond. Would not be surprised if him siding with KD doesn’t cut extra deep.
I got some bad news for you: they have fuckwitted sons and daughters to pick up the mantle. Looking at you Meghan McCain & Sarah Sanders.
Picks are kinda useless to the guy who knows he’s getting fired in the summer.