
@BamboodPanda: Nothing could make it end faster. Nothing.

*Asked for Valkyria Chronicles for Christmas*

@m1k3ines: "He of course didn't drive the entire 25 hours all by himself; he was a member of the 'Spoon Sports' team, and shared duties with a car journo and two other Japanese race drivers."

This seems... Contrived...

@S.I.: Faster than the speed of awesome: I read the title, first and second paragraph, scrolled down to the last paragraph, read all of the comments up until this one, and then posted my response detailing my actions.

The article says "notorious." That implies that I'm not supposed to like him because of past practices.

@mrclam: Hooray for speculation!

@allinthefamily: Yeah... This chart eliminates about... All of my current positions.

VOTE: Google Wave

@The-Dayman: It's a shame that the entire feel of the space goes out the window the moment you step into the main plaza. : /

@PanicDriver: That's exactly what I did, too. So don't feel bad. <_<

@PSWii2008: There is no way he says it that many times in the series...

@WhiteMåge is in fact a boy, damnit: The art that Kotaku posted looked horrible and I think you even pointed out that they used artwork from the latest Banjo-Kazooie game.

*Sees NSFW tag*